The machine is grinding us into food for the system. Fight the system. Fight the machine. It is not your friend. 
Sage Against The Machine.
Libertarian Humanist.

Legalized Squatting & Tent Cities

July 16, 2015

The International Squaters Symbol

Homelessness is a very real problem in Akron. 

If you have a better way of solving it I'm all ears. 

But I have an idea:

What if prequalified homeless were given the opportunity to move into an abandon house or building?

  • They would agree to stay off drugs. 
  • They would paint and clean the house. 
  • They would keep the yard mowed. 
  • They would agree to never condone or take part in any illegal activities. 

This has been done before in America. 

From this page on Wikipedia:

Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (or ACORN) was one of the first organizations in the U.S. to launch a national squatting campaign to challenge and transform federal and local housing policies to provide for more affordable housing.

In 1988, Operation Homestead in Seattle began occupying buildings and negotiating their sale to nonprofit low-income housing organizations. By 1993, it had successfully reclaimed 300 units.

Take Back the Land is a Miami-based, self-proclaimed "housing liberation" group that formed in 2006. They break into vacant, unused bank-owned foreclosed homes and move homeless people inside.

Homes Not Jails advocates squatting houses to end the problem of homelessness. It has opened "about 500 houses

Akron can become one of the most forward thinking cities in America if we want it. 

Paid For By The People for Sage Lewis

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