The machine is grinding us into food for the system. Fight the system. Fight the machine. It is not your friend. 
Sage Against The Machine.
Libertarian Humanist.

Akron Will Post Its Checkbook Online

June 17, 2015

I recently came across this story:

Stow first in Summit County to put citys checkbook online

Through the states website, taxpayers are now able to view every dime Stow spends — from office equipment to asphalt providers to legal fees — in a searchable database.

Akron will do this when I'm mayor!

We have a long history of very low transparency in this city. That will stop in a big way. 

I will never close my door to my office and I will seriously look into putting a microphone and camera in my office that will stream 24/7. 

Politicians have a reputation. I will do everything in my power to counteract those stereotypes. 

Paid For By The People for Sage Lewis

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